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Facing the red light period in Indonesia, we should prepare these measures in advance
Facing the red light period in Indonesia, we should prepare these measures in advance
2023-07-08 18:01:28
The National Day has just passed, and Indonesia’s red light period is approaching. Businessmen engaged in Indonesia’s foreign trade activities have also begun to prepare for the red light period. Indonesian Customs can be said to be one of the most difficult customs clearances in the world, and the period from December to March of each year is the red light period for Indonesian Customs. During this period, Indonesian Customs will conduct strict inspections of goods that require import customs c
Shopee launches new features, how to obtain halal certification for registered products
Shopee launches new features, how to obtain halal certification for registered products
2023-07-08 17:58:34
According to relevant news, Shopee recently activated Shopee Barokah with a new look and set up new features. The reason for the emergence of Shopee Barokah Indonesia is a religious country, with 87% of its citizens being Muslims. For Muslims, purchasing halal products is a matter of religious belief. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the health and safety of the product, Muslims also pay attention to whether the product has a halal certification certificate. Therefore, as one of the
99% of people don’t know 4 mistakes when registering cosmetics in Indonesia
99% of people don’t know 4 mistakes when registering cosmetics in Indonesia
2023-07-08 17:56:15
In recent years, Indonesia's cosmetics industry has developed rapidly. There are more than 33,000 products registered with the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM), and this number is still increasing. Although Indonesia's cosmetics industry is very promising, many foreign-funded companies are unable to enter the Indonesian market due to various problems. Today we will take a look at 4 common mistakes that foreign investors often make when registering cosmetics in Indonesia.
Why do products entering Indonesia need to obtain halal certification?
Why do products entering Indonesia need to obtain halal certification?
2023-07-08 17:45:08
Before products enter Indonesia, they not only need to obtain a customs identification number (Nomor Identitas Kepabeanan, or NIK) and importer identification number (API/Angka Pengenal Import) issued by the General Administration of Customs, but some products also need to obtain a halal certificate. If there are no products that obtain halal certificates, the products in the Indonesian market will be greatly reduced. Today, let’s talk to you about why goods entering Indonesia need to obtain a h
The "cross-border e-commerce + overseas warehouse" model has emerged, and the one that sui
2023-07-08 17:41:51
With continuous development in recent years, Indonesia has become the largest economy in Southeast Asia, and more and more domestic e-commerce players are selling their goods to Indonesia through e-commerce platforms. Behind the prosperity of cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses have also developed rapidly. Overseas warehouses are warehousing and logistics nodes set up by cross-border e-commerce export sellers in foreign areas close to buyers in order to improve their order delivery capa
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