Before products enter Indonesia, they not only need to obtain a customs identification number (Nomor Identitas Kepabeanan, or NIK) and importer identification number (API/Angka Pengenal Import) issued by the General Administration of Customs, but some products also need to obtain a halal certificate.
If there are no products that obtain halal certificates, the products in the Indonesian market will be greatly reduced. Today, let’s talk to you about why goods entering Indonesia need to obtain a halal certificate?
Government authorization
Before 2019, halal certification in Indonesia was voluntary, not mandatory. However, starting from October 2019, compulsory halal certification has been gradually implemented and relevant laws and regulations have been passed.
The new Halal Law stipulates administrative sanctions for companies that fail to register their products as halal. Companies that have obtained halal certification but fail to maintain the halal quality of their products will be subject to harsher sanctions of IDR 2 billion or a five-year prison sentence. years in prison.
Indonesian consumers
halal awareness
Among the population structure of Indonesia, 88% are Muslims and it is the largest Islamic consumer market in the world. By the first half of 2022, Indonesia's total consumer spending is expected to reach US$427 billion, of which halal food accounts for more than 60% of the total.
And Muslims in Indonesia have a strong religious awareness. According to a study by the Islamic Marketing Journal, the region’s halal awareness reached 94.91.
Get a halal certificate in Indonesia
GR 39/2021 simplifies the processing time for halal certification, with fees subject to Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 57 of 2021, including the halal certification process, renewal of halal certificates, registration of foreign halal certificates, and addition of new products or services.
For micro or small enterprises (MSE), the government will issue halal certificates free of charge.
Here are the steps for halal certification:
1. Meet the halal requirements of MS23000 in materials, products and production processes, and implement the Halal Assurance System (HAS).
2. Prepare all documents required to apply for a halal certificate.
3. During the registration process, fill in the documents according to the certification status according to the requirements of LLPOM MUI for processing by LLPOM MUI.
4. Provide guidance for pre-audit assessment, audit, post-audit and laboratory analysis to ensure compliance.
5. The product meets HAS requirements and passes LLPOM MUI laboratory analysis. MUI issues certificates.
Indonesian Halal Precautions
Since there are different halal standards around the world, based on MUI’s Fatwa Indonesia’s halal standard Sharia law, you should pay attention to the following three points before entering the Indonesian market:
1. According to Sharia law, companies are not allowed to associate or imply their product/product name with any illegal act.
2.MUI prohibits imitation of any harmful product packaging, design and properties (i.e. sensory characteristics).
3. According to Article 47 of the Halal Law, halal-certified products and materials from overseas only need to be registered with BP JPH and then sold and distributed in Indonesia without any change in their halal registration status.
However, not all foreign certificates can go through this process. Foreign halal certification agencies that are not on the list must be evaluated and certified by BP JPH.