Shopee launches new features, how to obtain halal certification for registered products

According to relevant news, Shopee recently activated Shopee Barokah with a new look and set up new features.
Why Shopee Barokah Appears

Indonesia is a religious country, with 87% of its citizens being Muslims. For Muslims, purchasing halal products is a matter of religious belief. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the health and safety of the product, Muslims also pay attention to whether the product has a halal certification certificate.

Therefore, Shopee, one of the three major mainstream platforms in Indonesia, launched Shopee Barokah, a new one-stop platform for Muslims based on Indonesia’s basic national conditions. It has made a major breakthrough for the convenience of Muslims shopping on Shopee. We can understand Shopee Barokah as a column dedicated to selling halal-certified products, allowing Muslims to quickly and safely find the products they need.


Shopee Barokah Features

Shopee Barokah caters to the shopping needs of Muslims, allowing them to easily find products on Shopee that have obtained Halal Products Assurance Authority and other Islamic halal certificates. With the launch of Shopee Barokah, it will be more convenient for consumers to search for halal products.

As of October 8, the Shopee Barokah column has tens of thousands of selected products, including but not limited to fashion products, worship equipment, food, books, Hajj equipment, beauty products, etc. Shopee Barokah will also provide prayer schedules and digital Quran to support Muslim worship.


How to obtain halal certification for products

In Indonesia, the halal certificate is issued by the BPJPH organization and is valid for 4 years. Whether this certificate can be obtained must be approved by the Indonesian Muslim Congress, the highest Islamic organization in Indonesia.


Submit an electronic application to the Halal Product Assurance Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Produk Halal–BPJPH), which is responsible for enforcing the Halal product warranty.


After the electronic application is completed, BPJPH and the applicant will jointly select the Halal Inspection Bureau (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal–LPH) to test the product or service according to the standards determined by BPJPH. Inspections must be carried out within 15 days of registration and LPH may be subject to sanctions if it fails to meet this time limit.


Once the inspection is completed, LPH will submit the results to the Majelis Ulama Indonesia – MUI, which will ultimately determine whether the product or service in question is considered halal. MUI will issue a ruling within three working days after MUI receives the LPH results. This is seen as a significant improvement over previous regulations, under which the MUI had 30 working days to respond.


After the ruling is issued, BPJPH will issue a halal certificate within one working day. Halal certificates are valid for four years.

So what about the halal certification of Indonesian imported goods that we are most concerned about?

Foreign goods and services entering Indonesia but obtaining halal certification abroad must be registered with the BPJPH.

The registration process for a foreign halal certificate must also be accompanied by:

①Applicant’s data;

② A copy of a foreign halal certificate that has been legalized by an Indonesian embassy or consulate abroad;

③ List of goods or services to be imported into Indonesia and their related Harmonized System codes (HS codes);

④Written statement to prove that the document is true and valid.

If you are a micro and small business and want to get halal certification.

MSEs must first provide a self-declaration to BPJPH that they are an MSE as determined by current law. Halal certificate is free for MSE.


In addition, MSE must meet the following conditions:

1. Products do not contain or are at risk of containing materials that would be considered non-halal;

2. Its production process is determined to be halal.

3. The product is within the halal certification compliance period.
